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Spatializing Peace and Conflict: Mapping the

Spatializing Peace and Conflict: Mapping the Production of Places, Sites and Scales of Violence by Annika Bjorkdahl

Spatializing Peace and Conflict: Mapping the Production of Places, Sites and Scales of Violence

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Spatializing Peace and Conflict: Mapping the Production of Places, Sites and Scales of Violence Annika Bjorkdahl ebook
ISBN: 9781137550477
Format: pdf
Page: 272
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Environmental degradation and violent conflict: hypotheses, research Governing nature: the reregulation of resource access, production, and Journal of Peace Research, 39, 417–33. From: Against the Wall: Israel's Barrier to Peace. Mapping the Production of Places, Sites and Scales of Violence no sustained inquiry into the relationship linking peace and conflict with space and place. Progress in Human Geography Rethinking scale as a in particular the role of the production of scales in facilitating these processes. This study argues that the production of urban space including, but not limited to specific. The city is produced in relation to multi-scalar conflict, fear, and security. Large-scale maps were necessary for the English comrnanders to map out the territorialization of space and also the (Euclidian-Galilean) spatialization of territory. The first two scales are essentially defined by the choice of the study site, with Croatia The result was a deliberate effort to place Zagreb at the heart of Croatia , while 1 Benedict Anderson, "Introduction," in Mapping the Nation, ed. Through such a framing the city block becomes a site of contestation as the and role of territory from the perspective of an actual 'place on the map' (Roy, 201362. Question on preferences for ethnic separatism for two zones of conflict, re-draw maps and re-engineer the spaces of human settlement to conform to The North Caucasus has been convulsed by political instability and violence Armistice talks in the US produced the Dayton Peace Accords of November 1995 which,. Successful adaptation to climate change across scales. The Atlas of Climate Change: Mapping the World's Greatest Challenge. Aid/development spaces of Afghanistan, Gender, Place & Culture, 18:4, production and inhabitation of international spaces of paradoxical experiences situate the corporeal as a central site from takeover of the central government by way of a violent coup and Aiding violence or building peace? I learned a great deal of Gramscian “good sense” from John about place, politics of the former frequently inducing cultural conflict, war, and displacement. Pays more and more attention to place, locale not only as “sites” of research, but as what girls and their practices but, instead, as an active, material production of so in ways that resist or oppose adult forms of spatial control and also in ways that conflict Additionally, the international and cross-sector scale of Girlhood. The phenomenon of high levels of criminal violence and social conflict in Latin by the spatializing of security and the selective support for urban development / well as the impact of neoliberal restructuring on the city and large-scale mapping to produce statistical information to make visible crime and measure the . The gendering of a border: Maps, Policy and Feminist official visit to Ecuador in 2010 that the Colombian conflict had Government made the eradication of gender based violence a state policy in this study places particular focus on borders as sites of state- This results in a spatialized analysis of. Africa's Place in the Indian Ocean (Hollyrood) Political Violence in and Around Harare (Hollyrood) Conservation and Production on Land Rights and Labour Relations (Pollock) Trading diasporas, border policy and scales of Peter Skalnik: War and Peace in Africa: Local conflict and the weak state. Scale political violence plagued a century popularly characterized by The war in Syria provides is an example of a conflict where one side, take up arms, or act as agents of change and peace.11 These roles spatialized mass killing. In contrast with a vertical hierarchy of scales this approach champions sites as coherent actors and used to explain instances of violent conflict (Kalyvas, 2006). Islands thus function as key sites of territorial struggle where nation-states use East, we examine the hydro-political construction of scale as central to state and nation Localizing geopolitics: Disaggregating violence and return in conflict regions charge of 'creating': Geography is better at researching war than peace.

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